Why have I received a bill from MDL?
MDL has received information from your ordering physician indicating patient responsibility for testing services. For further information on the specific nature of the bill, please contact MDL’s billing department.

I have received a bill from MDL, but I have insurance. Can MDL file my claim directly with my insurance company?
Simply attach a copy of the front and back of your insurance card to your statement and return it to MDL. MDL will then file the claim with your insurance company.

Can you give me my test results?
We urge you to contact your ordering physician directly for your test results so that you can also obtain any necessary result interpretation. If for some reason you are unable to obtain test results through the ordering physician, please contact our Client Services department to request a records release form. You will need to complete this form with all pertinent information and have it notarized to ensure your identity in attempt to maintain patient confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA requirements.
How long will it take for my tests to be completed and the results to be available?
There are several factors that affect how long it will take to properly provide test results. Please contact your Physician in order to get an estimated time frame for your results.
Are my test results kept confidential?
Yes. MDL is HIPAA compliant and adheres to strict confidentiality policies.
Can you help me to understand my test results?
You should contact your Physician if you have any questions about your test results. Your Physician should interpret or explain your laboratory test results in conjunction with information about your medical history, physical examination, and other test results, and provide you with medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.