Our result reporting option can be customized upon request to best suit the individual needs of your practice
Patient results are initially faxed to the ordering Physician and the original hard copy is forwarded via first class mail to the ordering physician. Additional copies of the test reports can be forwarded to another Physician upon the ordering Physicians’ written request in the designated area of the test requisition form. We will make every effort to accommodate requests for STAT testing. However, due to the highly complex nature of our testing methodology, results may be delayed.
Better healthcare through better technology
With the increased adoption of EMR implementation, healthcare providers have been realizing the benefits for more than a decade. However, with the more recent national attention and legislation which includes reimbursements to providers (The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) the adoption of EMR is poised for potential growth.
Medical Diagnostic Laboratories recognized this need several years ago and has been leading the way by developing a system for delivering lab results and receiving orders electronically with many of the leading EMR vendor solutions.
Medical Diagnostic Laboratories utilizes the latest health care industry standards such as:
- HL7 Health Level Seven
- VPN Virtual Private Networks
INTERFACE ENGINE TECHNOLOGYto develop and maintain interfaces to laboratory information systems and practice management systems

Our custom LIS (laboratory information system) employs advanced technology in data transmission and encryption to provide a secure, HIPAA-compliant resource where physicians or staff can receive the patients’ test results while ensuring patient data is protected from unauthorized access.
Laboratory workflow is changing and has a huge impact on how information systems are being used and how they generate discrete information which must be communicated to providers to improve patient healthcare and reduce costs.